Check out what we got. A local kid's furniture place went out of business and they had everything 50% off. So I went up and fought the crowds and got these cool bunk beds. The plan was to have them as two single bed, but when Curtis saw them he threw a fit and begged to have "a up top bed". So this is how they will be in his room until Clark is ready to get into a bed. Then we will take them apart and Clark will move into the one on top since it has a rail around most sides. I'm hoping he'll be ready to move in sometime this winter but maybe more like next spring. Then I will have a guest room/sewing room/office and Curt will no longer be working next to my bed!
Great bunk beds! Looks like Curtis likes to be up in the clouds. Just make sure that ceiling fan is off. Grandpa was hit in the head by a fan blade in the kitchen today. OUCH! Mom
I loved my bunk beds as a kid. :)
While the top bunk has a rail, if he gets over it, he's got farther to go. I'd just get a rail for the bottom bed, but that's just me :)
No more unsolicited advice from me today :)
No, I am going to take the beds apart when the boys share a room. So the top bed will be on the floor too. I'd never put one of my boys up top to sleep yet. he bed says wait until they are 6. Well, the bed doesn't talk, but the lable says that. LOL
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