Sunday, October 03, 2010

Baking Weather

That's right, it's finally baking weather in the Tropics. I love to bake and also love to eat baked goods, so I am welcoming this recent cooler (high in the 80's instead of 100's) weather. It's a good thing that I exercise regularly and have a fast metabolism or I'm sure I'd be 200 lbs or more.

I've been making apple pies lately. Only half of my family will eat apple pie regularly, so anytime I'm invited anywhere I've been bringing an apple pie with me. This is how I get to eat some pie without having to eat all of the pie. I do also have an ulterior motive since most people are usually very happy to see me coming with a pie in my hands.

After making my own yogurt I ended up with more yogurt than my family could handle. I searched online and found this yummy looking recipe for Maple Yogurt Pound Cake. Lucky for me I already had all of the ingredients so it was a go. Boy was this tasty! It definitely would be a good choice for a brunch or breakfast potluck dish. While it is very 'desserty', I think the maple syrup flavor lends itself to consumption before noon if you ask me. This is one of those baked goods that actually tastes better on the second day, so I recommend that you make it late one evening and wake up to a wonderful breakfast treat.

Now, I am going to go hit the kitchen once more. I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing on a nice fall Sunday afternoon than baking up a delicious treat while watching the game. Go Eagles!

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