What does that mean anyway? Is that proper grammar? Happy New Year...or is it Happy New Years...I've heard both. I guess the sentiment is, wishing our fellow man a happy start to the new year.
Traditionally, I do make resolutions on January 1st, and I am very good at keeping them, if I do say so myself. I am now a regular dental floss user and I hardly ever curse at all. Some years it's something as simple as I want to pray every night. This year it was a bigger one. I am now officially on day 3 of being processed sugar free.
I have been thinking about my sugar addiction for years really. I kept telling myself that everything is fine in moderation as I stuffed my face with brownies and cookies and chocolate and ice cream etc etc etc. When one is addicted to something moderation is impossible, ask me how I know this.....
After much research on some physical and mental health problems I've been having I kept coming back to my sugar addiction. It was hard to ignore, so here I am facing it. I am really hopeful that I will notice a big change in my health this year due to this change. The truth is it hasn't been that hard so far seeing as I've been sick with a head cold on top of taking care of one very sick family.
We found out Curtis has a double ear infection and Clark was close to pneumonia yesterday. I have a nebulizer and antibiotics for them and I'm praying they start to turn the corner asap. So, being w/o dessert hasn't been really that big of a problem for me. Mostly I think of it right after lunch and dinner and then just remind myself that I don't eat processed sugar anymore and have a piece of fruit (frozen black berries are a favorite right now).
I am right now pondering perhaps a second resolution. This thing called the Internet has become a bit of a job for me lately. For some reason I feel compelled to read a few sites 3 or more times a day. I just realized that instead of doing something truly relaxing (tv, knitting, veggin out) when I have a few minutes, I feel compelled to check these sites to see if anything was recently posted. It really does feel like it is another chore for me. I do enjoy it, but the fact that it feels like a chore is a red flag for me. I'd love to hear any thoughts on this....