Wednesday, April 26, 2006


We went to the splash pad in Winter Springs today and met up with a few friends. Curtis is still very hesitant about the splash pad and any other water type activities. He will run through while holding my hand but once I let go he is right back over by the fence. This pad is nice because it also has a little kid's playground so once he was tired of the water we went over and played some more over there. I didn't get any pics because he really doesn't let go of my hand much. It's too bad because I'd love to have a pic of him spashing in the fountain.

Curt and I had our same sex fight last night. He wants it all the time and I hardly ever want it. I always feel so guilty but it also feels like I'm in high school with him saying, "Please, I'm all backed up." I mean...seriously....Oh well. I'll give in soon, it just wasn't happening last night.


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